Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

I think Kyle is the best boss ever, if he'll dress as a cheerleader for Sandy and Trina. I think it took a little convincing.

Monday, October 24, 2011

"I hope they call me on a Mission....

...When I have 'raised a kid or two or seven'!"
My parents finally got their mission call after waiting forever for it to arrive. I was lucky enough to be in on the excitement.
(Our family map of guesses - Where in the world is Elder and Sister Pocock going? - we joked of Outer Siberia but no one guessed it. I wish I had because I would have won.)

They will serve in the Yekaterinburg Russia Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Why? What will they teach? I am so grateful for wonderful parents and their willingness to serve. I can't help but think back at my time as a missionary in Germany. It wasn't a piece of cake nor a vacation but a very faith promoting experience. It gave me such an awesome perspective of our Heavenly Father, His love and His beautiful plan that He has for each of us.

Good luck Mom and Dad! And Russia, I wish you two very mild winters.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Squeasable Cheeks and Sticks

OJ is 7 months now and is getting chubbier by the minute. Just look at those cheeks getting squished by the ear protectors. I bet you are jealous that I get to kiss those every morning, afternoon and night, but maybe not of the ones I get in the middle of the night. They might not be so plump for long cause this girl is getting on her hands and knees - crawling is in near future.
Life in the sticks lends itself to Saturday afternoon target practices.

And speaking of sticks - Milo and his "girlfriend" playing with them after shooting practice.

3 yr

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011


Milo is a fish. He is not afraid of the water at all which is a good and bad thing all at the same time. Check out his new trick.

Ollie's new tricks are rolling over, finding toes, sitting up, napping better and drooling possibly due to teething. She's getting so big.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ollie Laughs

Ollie laughing about a month ago...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Memorial Day to the 4th of July

We've been having a fun and busy summer so far. Here are the happenings:

Sumpter with Erin and Brent and boys. We braved the cold weekend and had a fun time.

Shaydon and Milo - we love when our friends come and visit.

Relay for Life - walked from 7 to midnight. Donated 10 inches of my hair to locks of love on a whim.

Ollie's getting bigger.

been doing a lot of jumping and bike riding,
and playing at the parks,
and this (Milo loves skateboards so I took him to the local skate park. He loved it.)

N Night Rodeo with Gramps and Grammy, Dallas and friends. Saw some Buffalo riding too.

Been camping and fishing
and hiking too.

And reuniting with my family in Canada. The long drive was worth it. We explored Waterton and Glacier Parks.
All the nieces and nephews - notice Milo's jazz hands.
Mom and Dad and girls
Happy Canada Day - July 1st.
Bear Claw Hike
First horse ride. Milo loved it.
Another hike to another beautiful waterfall.
We had a great time.
Happy 4th.

Stopped in Missoula on our way home and spent the 4th with Kyle's Uncle and Aunt.
I hope the rest of the summer is so fun.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

i love my sisters

My oldest sister turned 40! We thought that was something to party about so we planned a sister's only party (luckily Ollie was included) in May. Husbands and family watched the kids while we shopped, hiked, went to museums, ate, hot tubed, talked, chatted, talked some more and stayed up way late. Sadly Amy was unable to join us due to distance and a new baby. We missed her but are excited to join up with her in two weeks in CANADA!
Me, Kendra, Emily, Erin, Lori and the hot 40 year old, Lisa
Here we are getting a little crazy at our favorite ice cream joint in SLC.

I came to two conclusions on the trip:
1. Can't wait until we do it again.
2. Ollie needs a sister.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1...2...3 Blast Off

Milo is three! He had the best birthday ever with his cousins and friends. We celebrated a few days early while family was here for Ollie's blessing.

All the cousins.
Milo spotted his present while his uncles and Dad were putting it up. He loves his trampoline.

Monday, May 23, 2011



Ollie Jane
2 months
Blessed in my blessing dress by her dad.